
Jenny from Flow Cranio & Lactation is based in Perth, Australia and provides a unique service to families who are seeking support with feeding challenges or unsettled babies. As a biodynamic craniosacral therapist and IBCLC, her approach is to find the root cause of the issue – whether that be birth trauma (emotional or physical), stress, musculoskeletal tension from a cramped inutero experience, cranial nerve compression, food sensitivities or tongue tie. Babies are always trying to communicate their experience to us. Jenny provides a space to deeply listen in order to help parents understand the baby’s experience. Cranio helps baby and their family reconnect to their own capacity for healing and inner guidance. She is available for home visits and zoom appts / distance treatments.

Lactation consults

Are you or your baby struggling with breastfeeding? Sore nipples? Is your baby struggling to latch or transfer milk? Are they fussy at the breast? Jenny has a special interest in latching issues & fussy behaviour at the breast as combining cranio with lactation support has shown to be beneficial in these situations. Click here for more info

Crying baby?

Is your baby crying a lot? Are they hard to settle? Have you been told bub has colic or reflux? Perhaps they seem uncomfortable in their body? Cranio helps to settle your baby and promote a sense of calm that often continues after the session (babies with food sensitivities may not respond as well to treatment)


Birth trauma?

Have you had a long, difficult labour? Were you induced? Were forceps or vacuum used during the birth? Perhaps you wanted a vaginal birth and are disappointed that your baby was born via c-section? Cranio treatment can help you and your baby to resolve any emotional or physical trauma.

Treatments via zoom or phone

Not in Perth? Can’t find a local craniosacral therapist? Jenny has experience working remotely with babies over zoom.

Also available for adults. Especially supportive for people in hospital. Jenny can connect over any distance and use her refined felt sense to facilitate a healing response.

Cranio Support for all

Cranio can help any member of the family to connect to their body. To feel more balanced and calm. To clear emotional or physical blocks.

Jenny has a special interest in supporting the end of life transition. CST has the potential to assist the dying person to let go of emotional, mental and spiritual barriers. To find stillness and peace amidst their transition.

Tongue tie assessments

Are you experiencing breastfeeding issues? Sore nipples? Poor latch? Are you unsure if your baby was properly assessed for tongue tie in hospital? Jenny has extensive experience in tongue tie assessment and can perform a full oral assessment for your baby. Offered as part of a lactation consult or a combined lactation/cranio appt

My son and I have been seeing Jenny for Cranio sessions for his torticollis. When we first met it was severe and he was in alot of discomfort and pain when not on his preferred side. I really liked her approach to treatment being very gentle and in tune with my sons needs. I also feel doing sessions along side him has been beneficial and would recommend mums & bub sessions if you can.After our sessions it has been amazing to see how he has continually straightened and become more comfortable. The sessions really have helped him straighten so much. I would highly recommend seeing Jenny if your little one has a torticollis, much prefer cranio than physical manipulation at such a young age!Thank you Jenny, we look forward to future sessions.

Courtney M

I highly recommend Jenny after seeing her multiple times to support my breastfeeding journey with my first child. It was such an overwhelming and challenging time and Jenny arrived with such calmness and kindness. Jenny’s warm and compassionate approach to my little one was just lovely and I really appreciated her encouragement, knowledge and support. Jenny was super responsive and made me feel comfortable straight away! My little girl seemed to adore her aswell and enjoyed their little chats! Thanks Jenny! X

Tameka P